Text typographer for statically rendered files in Astro
Text typographer for statically rendered files in Astro
Collection of configurable headers for astro
🦔 Minimal Critters integration for astro.js
Provides cross languages breakpoints handlers for your app. SCSS mixin, JS hook and a DOM data attribute, all share the same responsive scale you choose to feed in.
Sections for astro
Integrate the ImageKit media provider in your Astro projects. Auto-synchronization, CLI, Component.
package to provide svg from tex in astro
(actually, no filters yet)
Use Emotion CSS to style your Astro site.
An Astro integration that adds support for CSV files in data collections
Access NoSQL data from your Astro site.
An Astro integration for the Headless CMS
A way to leverage Vercel's Image Optimization API in Astro
Various utils for astro
An astro integration to generate static Open Graph images, at build time
Forms for astro
Astro component that makes it easy to render themeable svg file icons.
Use Elm components within Astro
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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